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Marketing has problems.
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Let’s Get Real
In that vein, part of what you value is the ability to actually stay above and apart from the din and the fray that might influence your ability to be actionable. You have a life pulling you in different directions in what is arguably the most distracted and distracting society in history. You want to see your work come to life in the marketplace. Because knowledge is not power. Power is knowledge applied. The seven big problems provide all of us with critical context. Context matters.
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In that vein, part of what you value is the ability interney actually stay above and apart from the din and the fray that might influence your ability to be actionable. You have a life pulling you in different directions in what is arguably the most distracted and distracting society in history. You want to see your work come to life in the marketplace.
Because knowledge is not power. Power is knowledge applied. The seven big problems provide all of us with critical context. Context matters. Will the seven big problems be an overnight inflection point in terms of the content and research that is generated by the collective AMA community? But what it will do is put a stake in the ground on the belief that context and managerial relevance matters to us, because it matters to marketers.
Bernard Jaworski discusses the 7 Big Problems in Marketing. With all the fascination with new marketing concepts, digital technologies and new interneh, there continues to be one foundational issue that is proven and reproven to have a disproportionate markketing on the value you create for your business: identifying the internet marketing making money problems value source or sources of growth for your brand, product or service. Choosing the wrong target, or one of less value, will certainly lower your growth and return-on-investment potential.
It might even fail completely. There are two critical questions to understand about this subject: Why is this so critical, and how can I do it much better? This is a inetrnet enough concept: How do you find the market that is most interested or in need of what you have to offer?
Find the ones that are. This one is not so obvious to most marketers. Understand the drivers of purchase so you can begin to select the tactics most likely to effect the behavior you desire.
When it comes down to developing your behavior, marketint tactics positioning is key. You have to know who you are aiming at to position it successfully.
Thus, academic views and corporate practice concerning the role of marketing within the firm have often been out of alignment. We need to explore what is possible, as well monej what is already happening in some problemz. For example, in some firms, marketing has lost power within the firm even though one of its fundamental roles is to represent the voice of the marketplace makung firm discussions.
In others, marketers have grown in stature and poblems given new responsibilities for a wider array of insight- and demand-generating activities. Has the scope of marketing activities and tasks expanded or has it contracted?
Recent evidence suggests that most information is no longer controlled by the marketing function, but is now controlled as an organizational asset under the responsibilities of the analytics or IT group, and that has shifted the balance of power within the organization.
Inteernet this the case, or is the evidence to the contrary? When should organizations centralize marketing activities, and when should they decentralize them and push marketing activities into the businesses? Is there an optimum balance? And if there is, what determines what is optimal vs. Other organizations have increasingly centralized marketing to share cost and problema. What is the right model? Probldms it mooney on industry and customer context? Some organizations do not even have a CMO, assuming that the growth function can be done with other organization-wide resources.
What is the best structure? Or does it depending on the competitive context or other factors? Is it more about finding and keeping the right people, or more about building a standard tool-kit? In either case, should I build or buy? If yes, what is the right form and design of these initiatives?
What does it take to keep the best marketing talent? Voice makig the marketplace? Demand generation? Growth champion? All of the above? What are the costs and benefits of different CMO roles under different conditions?
Our belief is that marketers have taken a very narrow view—examining social media, Big Data and the transformation makung marketing communications. However, at the C-suite level, marieting executives are focused on much larger issues of business model change, survival and future competitive advantage. This is very evident in the world of banking and retail.
In almost every industry, firms are moving from products to information and service businesses. Rather, they become the vehicles and platforms for information-based businesses. Nowhere is this more evident than in health care. We are seeing the migration of patients from hospitals to homes, with attendant monitoring and care through information-rich technologies. Our key point here is that the entire organization is changing, not just the interfaces with customers. Structures, processes, workflow and decision right are being transformed due to digitization.
What are the types of new business models that are emerging? Is one type of business model superior, or does it depend on context?
Formerly interneg was largely a one-way communication; now customers are taking control of the products, services, interfaces and communications. It is shared communication, not only between the firm and customers but between actors in the marketplace e. There is a fundamental debate that is unfolding concerning the role of Big Data and analytics within firms. However, this data orientation or obsession prolbems obscure the differences between data, knowledge and insight.
An argument could be made that while our data and knowledge are rapidly growing, our actual insight is not. What does it mean to have a customer insight that can be leveraged in the marketplace? This problem could be addressed by new methods, but we are more concerned with unique, different information that leads to competitive advantage. More broadly, in our knowledge-based economy that leads to competitive advantage rather than a traditional view of products, routines, capabilities and assets.
At an even higher level, how do we know we know? What is unique about these journeys? Is it only about pain points, or about surprise points? What is more important? Almost all of the priblems to date has been on customer or consumer insights, but channel-partner insights? Supplier insights?
When are different types of insights more or less valuable, and why? Folks have argued that market-driven companies are not marketing driving companies. If this is the case, what is the role of marketing in gaining new insights?
Does it drive the process? Simply aggregate views from other areas? Is it a catalyst function? How do we make sure that we fully and quickly exploit the onternet we do manage to generate?
The s were marked by a back-office revolution in efficiency, systems and re-engineering. As we transition into the 21st century, the key revolution is the front-office interface with makinv. Is it truly different than multi-channel?
Do the traditional theories and approaches work in such an omni-channel world? Makign new capabilities do firms need to put in place to take advantage of this world? The fundamental problem is not the maximization of a particular channel, but the interfaces that link between channels. Think of these as drop offs and hand-offs between channels. Where do we see ,oney drop off occur?
Is there a standard pattern across industries? Can marketimg shape the debate? In many cases, the technology in developing countries, or the political infrastructure, are at odds with integration in a world economy. How does the political, economic and social context shape the ability to integrate intefnet global company?
The fundamental problem in most cases is the way the company organizes, rewards and manages profit and loss groups. A particular activity may be in the best interest of the overall firm, but not in the best interest of a particular business unit or group.
How does the firm reward the unit that appears to be losing out? How enabled and accountable do they need to be in terms of awareness, knowledge and access marketibg channels?
Put simply, do in-store personnel need to be experts on mobile, mafketing, call centers and other touchpoints that the firm is using to reach out to customers? Are there general rules of thumb, or is every firm different? What is best practice, what is worst practice and what is next practice?
What are the implications of omni-channel for selecting channel partners? For many industries, at the heart of this change are smart products, smart applications and porblems devices as well as an increasing willingness of firms to develop ecosystems of partners rather than go it. In many industries, the new and nimbler competition may be from firms based in second-world or even emerging economies.
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