I hope more people find this post and are able to make a more informed decision than I did. Leave any questions or comments below and I will make sure to get back to you promptly. Nice article on project payday! So in overall is Project Payday a scam? There will likely be a short wait between completing the offers and when you are paid.
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Blogs Advertise with us Help Desk. View First Unread. Ken Russell. War Room Member. Share on:. There’s been a lot of talk about Project Payday going around, so I decided to give my unbiased, honest opinion about it. Wuth quickly I want to go over with you my personal experience with Project Payday and why I can’t really recommend it, especially to beginners.
How do you make money with Project Payday?
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Refer other people to Project Payday and get them to fill out forms.
Blogs Advertise with us Help Desk. View First Unread. Ken Russell. War Room Member. Share on:. There’s been a lot of talk about Project Payday going around, so I decided to give my unbiased, honest opinion about it. Really quickly I want to go over with you my personal experience with Project Payday and why I can’t really recommend it, especially to beginners.
The way Project Payday works is when you join, you’re required to complete a trial offer or sponsored offer within. There’s a bunch of companies tied to Project Payday that you can choose.
To activate your account, you have to choose from different companies to do a trial or sponsored offer. Once you complete that, you then are qualified to make money with Project Payday by bringing even more people into Project Payday. Last edited on 15th Feb at AM. If you’re looking to make a good deal of money online and have thought about joining Project Payday, you might want to reconsider that idea.
Today I’ll be writing a completely honest review on the Project Payday referral program, so make sure you go through this whole article before you join. If you’re wondering if Project Payday is a scam, it is absolutely not. But if you’re wondering if it’ll get you rich in a few days, it is absolutely not. On the Project Payday website it straight up tells you that you’re not going to get rich doing.
You will actually have to put in work qith make some money with this program. To make money with Project Payday, you can become an affiliate and make money off of referring people to join.
Once you’re a member, you’ll receive an affiliate link that you can start promoting. They don’t have to buy. It seems pretty simple and easy doesn’t it? Well it is, but the problem here is generating how much money can you make with project payday traffic to make a substantial amount of money. A lot of people are wondering these things and I get emails about it every day.
BB code is On. Smilies are On. Trackbacks are Off. Pingbacks are Off. Refbacks are Off. All times are GMT The time now is PM. Recent Entries. Best Entries. Search Blogs. Advertise with us. Help Desk. Thread Tools. Sounds like a pretty good deal right? Well not really.
Personally, I’ve made some money with Project Payday, but I can’t really recommend it. The reason why I can’t recommend Project Payday is because, unless you know how to get tons of traffic to your website or your YouTube video, it’s going to be extremely difficult to make any significant amount of money.
Oddly enough, the number one problem for newbies is getting traffic. The videos that you’re watching that are getting thousands of hits mohey the websites that are on the front page of Google, are most likely going to paint a positive picture of Project Payday and say it’s not a scam and you’re going to make tons of money with it. The reason is because since they know they’re getting a lot of traffic, they become an projdct for Project Payday and they’re going to mufh money off everyone that clicks their link lroject joins.
If you were one of these people, why wouldn’t you make a positive review? But the fact of the matter is, unless you know how to make tons of traffic, it’s going to be very difficult and time consuming to make a few bucks. Project Payday doesn’t offer a lot of valuable training either, so it’s not like wifh going to learn a bunch of new skills. If you end up joining Project Paydayyou’ll end up spending hours upon hours prokect day trying to make a few measly dollars.
I can’t say Project Payday is a scam because some people do make money with it and it’s been around for a long time, but personally in my opinion it’s not really a profitable income stream and new people are going to get confused and not know what how much money can you make with project payday.
If you’re new to online marketing, I highly suggest staying clear from Project Payday. Traffic generation is the key to making money online. If you can’t generate traffic, you won’t make any money. A lot of people that are new to Internet marketing join Project Payday because it seems so easy and they don’t really have to sell.
What happens is they can’t get any people to their site, and end up making no money with it. Project Mkch does provide some training, but it definitely isn’t the projecf. It’ll take a lot of converted leads to make any significant money with Project Payday. If you’re looking for a solid income stream that’ll allow you to quit your day job, Project Payday won’t do that for you. On the other hand if you only want to make some pocket change, you can definitely achieve that with Project Payday.
Hope this review gives you a good idea of what Project Payday can and can’t do for you. CPA stands for cost per acquisition, which means there are several companies out there that pay affiliates, like you and me, money to get some sort of acquisition — an email, phone number, any sort of lead. All you have to do is drive traffic to the lead capture page and if they enter their email in, you get paid. There are tons of these offers out there because huge companies allocate millions of dollars every year for their marketing budget.
One of the things Project Payday does a little differently than traditional affiliates is they teach you how to kind of paydat advantage of.
Meaning, you find people who may or may not be interested in the products and get them to enter their email address. What happens is you end up making a very, very small amount of money with CPA.
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How To make money with Project Payday
Hello, good thoughts about project payday…. Knowing all the costs and risks is the best way to approach a money making opportunity online. Frank is there a website for what you have to offer? Hope you are able to offer a response — that would be very helpful. The compensation plan in MLM is a lot more lucrative and mzke also allows you to leverage your efforts through building a massive downline. What you have to do next is find other people to join Project Payday and get projecr to do the same thing. How much money can you make with project payday Under: Company Reviews Tagged With: project pay dayproject paydayproject payday reviewproject payday reviewsproject payday scam. November 11, at am. Sometimes there will be add-on offers that you have to cancel separately. Check it out. Cheers, Tash Reply. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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