If you’re not in a huge hurry to level, I always found that staying in the lower level zones once your questing is complete and grinding mobs for leather was a great way to keep your LW skill aligned with your character’s level. Shaman Healer PvP Gear. Shaman Quests. Some of our stories include affiliate links. Warlock Leveling Guide.
What is everyone picks Tribal and amount of LW’s specialized in this becomes flooded market Maybe better to go with another specialization to be more classc demand? The point is that the other 2 are almost useless, just elemental resistances and lets be honest that is not necessary. The mana bonuses look sweet. You can always make money by farming Devilsaur leather and other precious mats which the other two specializations need.
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What is everyone picks Tribal and amount of LW’s specialized in classiic becomes flooded market Maybe better to go with another specialization to be more in demand? The point is that the other 2 are almost useless, just elemental resistances and lets be honest that is not necessary. The mana bonuses look sweet. You can always make money by farming Devilsaur leather money making with elemental lw wow classic other precious mats which the other two specializations need.
Isn’t elemental resistance needed mainly for Sapphiron for Naxx p4? Yes, and the Dreamscale Breastplate for sure is a no-brainer come AQ. The main issue with Wlth, aside from potential market flooding due to everyone and their mothers picking it up, is the fact that the two biggest draws The Devilsaur items are a bit iffy to craft.
Devilsaurs will most likely be relentlessly hunted due to the demand of both items, so odds are that you won’t get much out of it unless you’re connected to a major dedicated farming group Note: This may not be the case on lower-pop servers.
Besides that, the items are a tad hit-and-miss. Corehound Belt and Hide of eoemental Wild are both excellent, Wolfshead Helm is excellent in its very, very specific niche, Warbear Woolies are pretty good, as are Corehound Boots for the instances where Fire Resistance is a big deal. Beyond that, everything is «meh» to flat-out bad.
Dragonscale Leatherworking, on the other hand, is a bit safer to farm, as both Green and Black scales can be acquired from Sunken Temple and Blackrock Spire, respectively. Thankfully, Blue Dragonscales recipes are bad.
Dreamscale Breastplate is solid ma,ing AQ40, but moey the massive drawback of being skinned off of world bosses, which will make it potentially makin to get on higher-pop servers. Elemental Leatherworking can be a bit rough as far as mat competition goes, but it shouldn’t get Devilsaur bad. Helm classiv Fire isn’t bad for leveling leather wearers, and the Stormshroud set isn’t too awful.
Heck, the gloves are probably top-5 preraid for a decent number of classes. Definitely a lot of «decent» items, but clazsic great. Tribal definitely wins in terms of raw power, but maling choice may not be clear-cut, factoring in supply and demand. May be best to get a feel for what other people on your server are picking up and how much certain high-demand mobs are being farmed, and make a decision accordingly based on.
Also, as someone above noticed, since due to hype created by those guides everyone and their mothers and pets of their pets will go and pick Tribal, Ww leather is hard to farm and Hide of the Wild is not comming until Dire Maul oppens, you will have very, very hard time to craft anything useful, yet alone make profit in Phase 1 as Tribal. Considering all of this — Tribal is not so great after all for mail users.
So hunters classjc use leather armor instead of mail? Not always, but. So if the stat itemisation on the leather is clearly better in any given slot, you wear the leather. And stat itemisation on leather is better a very large portion of time you really don’t want much intellect, mostly you’re interested in the same stats as rogues. The guid does not mention the most important elemental-leatherworker item. Living Shoulders! Was one of the few who was elemental-leatherworker and could make living shoulder which is BiS for some healing classes.
Could buy mats for around 5gold and sell the shoulder for 30g — 40g. Have already a Epic mount thanks to. And farming Mats for Devilsaurset was easy soloable as a rogue and got it for 20g total.
So worked classlc out in the end for me. I hit LW in classic. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Blue Tracker. Classsic all. Auction House Issues. Hotfixes — Updated January 17, Hotfixes: January 17, Horrific Visions Rewards. Corruption Effect Hotfix Incoming. Sorry, but you can’t nerf Infinite Stars. Recent News. Patch 8. Post a Comment. Please log in to add your comment, or sith if you don’t already have an account.
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Note1: Enchanting does not have corresponding gathering Profession, so it is often paired with Tailoring, which provides a steady supply of magic Items to Disenchant. Charscale Leg Armor is an agility and stamina enchant. Shaman Weapons Guide. Class Quests. Engineering has two distinct specializations, that have their unique set of Schematics:. Stonescale Eel Swarms can be found at the northern part of the coast of Tanaris and along the Western coast of the Stranglethorn Vale. All of them allow you to collect various materials that can later be sold or used by other professions.
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