User Info: Idlemindkiller. User Info: DocBowJangle. You now need to start making the decisions that will allow Albion to both thrive and survive the incoming, shadowy threat.
Step 1: Getting Started
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Fable III. Global Achievements.
Wait, so you need 6,500,000 gold?
This sequence, if followed edit to fit your moral standing preferances allows one to raise FAR more than enough to fight off the darkness, AND have enough money to buy anything, anywhere, anytime. This allows you to once you are king make honourable and benevolent, a. Did you use this instructable in your classroom? Add a Teacher Note to share how you incorporated it into your lesson. Continue doing blacksmithing jobs in the meantime.
Introduction: How to Make Millions on Fable 3
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Fable III. Global Achievements. Hey. A long time ago i have played quite a bit of Fable 3 with a friend online, after a while i managed to get my hands on the DLC but my friend did not, after a while he got the DLC as well on a sale but we never played it and saved it for a later time.
That later time SHOULD have been now, but we now found out we can not even boot up the game anymore, let alone play. At this point i am not even wanting to make the DLC workable. I want to know if some workaround has been figured out to be able to play fable 3 online with a friend. I have checked out some forums here and also found out how to make the game run offline, but that is not my intent as i really hope to play online again with my friend.
Thanks for reading, and i hope some solution has been. Showing 1 — 15 of 16 comments. But how? Fable pity you can not already buy on steam because he liked to play 3.
No it’s not possible anymore you need gfwl to go online and that doesn’t work anymore unfortunatly. Gfwl does kinda work again. As for multiplayer, im not sure if that works since i havent had a friend willing to try it, A side note on the DLC, amazon is still selling the bundle of Steam codes for Fable 3 includes main game, DLC, and The Lost Chapters, until they run out of keys.
Pretty sure thats the only way to get it anymore. You could test it by trying to join a random game from the fable 3 make money while not playing room in the sanctuary.
Thats amazing news. I got some great news! I today have downloaded GFWL from the microsoft site and let it do it’s open instalations on it’s own and updates, and i found it had all DLC i had ready for me to download.
I booted up the game with GFWL running in the background and it opened like it was supposed to ingame and after a reboot after an update, i could sign in like normal.
But this so far looks extremely promising EDIT : I can say that i have asked a friend of mine to test this out and join my game, we were able to connect without issue, while we did not play, i am happy to announce multiplayer is working. Okay, i have tested the game for real now with my friend. For some reason we have an issue with exiting areas.
When i am in my friend’s game, he can’t trigger loading screens. But if he joins me, we can exit areas. We don’t know what is causing this, but if we end up finding out, i will let you guys know. If anyone else happens to know the solution, please do reply.
EDIT : after some experimenting around, we found out that the reason we were unable to travel to new areas together was because the host’s character was corrupted and had to start a new game.
Thankfully we were only at the start of the game, but if anyone hosting has this problem, you need to sweep your savegames, and i hope this means you are not too far into the game when you find this. Dregbar View Profile View Posts. Well it launchs but does not connect I should say.
Last edited by Dregbar ; 7 Apr, am. Well, the only thing i can say is to be sure to have uninstalled every older version of GFWL. That friend had the same issue and had to uninstall it all, and then uninstall the new one. After that fable 3 make money while not playing should run, if not, i got no idea.
Originally posted by micp :. Nikki View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by Nikki :. Originally posted by Always Neutral :.
Bhairava View Profile View Posts. Has anyone found a place to buy DLC? I’ve been doing some research but every single listing I’ve found has been sold. Microsoft’s website has them for the xbox version. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 28 Mar, pm. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Looking for players to play coop. Does not run. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.
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Introduction: Making Money in Fable 3
Post as a guest Name. User Info: Stratica To be a well-liked monarch, you fable 3 make money while not playing to agree to virtually every ‘good’ proposal thrown in front of your nose. Use that to earn money to buy real estate. Tip 1 year ago on Step 3. Go back to the Sanctuary and get the Swinging Sword from the chest that is now revealed in the Treasure Room. Good characters are typically expected fabble either keep the profit margins on these businesses at average, or to even lower. This means no matter how much time has passed you can get paid a maximum of once It’s also worth noting you can’t get paid in the interactive menue.
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