For level 80 characters, Scarlet Monastery , Uldaman , and other mid-level instances are easily soloable, and are a very popular source of cloth and marketable blue and green items. If anyone has the time and will to go through them and sort out which are good and which are obsolete, I highly encourage them to do so. I chose the Black Tabby Cat, a non-combat pet, which drops from a rare spawn off the Dalaran Spellscribe not killable by Alliance players, only by Horde in Silverpine Forest. The former adds no cost to your item but requires time and effort, while the latter can be quick and hassle-free. And for those characters who will be ‘farming’ herbs or ore in either Outland or Northrend, an elite flying mount is almost essential, as it helps you gather almost twice as fast. If you don’t care about etiquette , you can make a small amount of money this way, but it isn’t as efficient as the regular and respectable ways of making money.
1. Blogging
May 18, Warmane Gold guide! I see bezt players on Warmane strugle to earn some gold. Gold is everywhere around you just waiting for you to pick it up : I made this guide for palyers who have around hours free wow time. Just hours a day and for a week or two you can reach the gold cap.
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Herbalism Mining Skinning. Discovering ways to make money in World of Warcraft is an important part of getting the most enjoyment out of the game. There are many different and effective ways to make enough money for repairs , consumables , equipment , and other items. Some players attempt to purchase gold from third party gold sellers. This form of making money is against Blizzard ‘s terms of service and may lead to a permanent ban on an account.
Re: How do you make money in WOTLK?
May 18, Warmane Gold guide! I see lot players on Warmane strugle to earn some gold. Gold is everywhere around you just waiting for you to pick it up : I made this guide for palyers who have around hours free wow time. Just hours a day and for a week or two you can reach the gold cap. Proffesions My sugestion for choosing proffesion is on your main you should have Alchemy and Jewelcrafting, and then you should make an alt with gathering proffesions like Herbalism and Mining.
These proffesions working great together because for alchemy u need herbs to make flasks and potions and for jc u need mining. Also with alchemy u can daily transmute 1 cardinal ruby or other gems wich u need for jc.
And mining is usefull for alchemy because you can make saronite bars, and then later transmute them in titanium bars. Also u can mine lot of usefull things which u can use for alchemy eternal fire,air,earth,chalcedony,bloodstone. Imo these proffesions are easiest and best for fast gold and a nice proffesions bonus like Flask of the north from alchemy and jewelrcrafter gems. Alchemy The first thing you should do when u raise your Alchemy to is to go to visit Alchemist Gribble in Honor hold and take the quest Master of transmutation.
Then you should get 4 primal mights, you can get the mats for it and make them, or you can buy it from ah i sugest to farm the mats it takes only 30 mins. Then you should go to Zarevhi in Netherstorm to turn in quest, and then he will give you the quest where u need to get him 4 primal mights.
Turn in that and you will become Transmutation master. This is a great money maker since u can now get better results when transmuting gems, saronite bars, or making meta. How to make gold with alchemy? Do your daily transmutes every day! It simple and easy and it gives you 1. Another great money maker is Flasks.
Flask of the endless rage and the Flask of the frost wyrm. Stack of these flask sells in ah for k gold depend on the market i usualy sell those for 9k per stack. Pygmy oil will also get u nice amount of money. To make this you need to get pygmy suckerfish, wich sometims u can find in ah for a very nice price like gold per stack, and for a one stack of pygmy suckerfish you can get around 30 or more pygmy oil. Pygmy oil sells in ah for gold stack sometimes even more!
Thats a nice profit for around 10 mins of work. Transmute meta. These transmutes dont have cooldown so you can make dozen of this per day.
Skyflare diamond and Earthsiege diamond. If you have mining alt you you can mine eternal air, eternal fire, blodstone or chalcedony wich you need for this transmute. If you dont have mining alt ill show you later where is best place for farming eternals.
Skyflare diamonds sells in ah for around gold and Eartsiege for for an awesome profit. Transmute Saronite bars. Transmute 8 saronite bars into one depends on trans master proc titanium bar.
Today i made around 50 titanium bars and sold them in ah for like 12k gold. Primal. This one sells in ah for around 1. U can easily get the mats for this for about 30 min of farming.
U need one primal mana,water,fire,earth and air U can check on wowhead where u can farm. You can also earn money by selling potion of speed. Herbalism If you have alchemy herbalism is a. You can earn lot of money by selling herbs that you find in northrend like goldclover, adders tongue, icethorn, lichbloom.
But the great thing is that every best way to make money wotlk in northrend drops Crystalized life. When you get ten of those u can then make 1 eternal life. And a stack of eternal life sells in ah for k gold! You can farm a stack of these in 30 mins. Its great coz every herbs drops crystalized life. Most important herb that you can find is Lichbloom.
You can farm these and then sell it in ah for 1. Here are routes that i use when i farm icethorn and lichbloom. These routes can be used for farming saronite and titanium veins as. Farming eternals. Great and easy way to make lot of money. Stack of eternal fire sells in ah for k gold!
Stack of eternal air is around 3k. Eternal earth and water doesnt have such a nice price like these two so they are not realy worth farming. Ok here are the location where i farm. Eternal Air Eternal fire Addons The addons that i recommend for you to use are: Auctioneer — is a very detailed AH mod which lets you scan the AH for ongoing auctions, compare prices, then set up your own auctions if i get enough requests ill make separate guide how to proprely use auctioneer. This is imo by far best addon ever.
Most of money that i earn is because i use this addon. It has some nice features and it really makes your life easier. Postal — offers enhanced mailbox support by providing the following features: BlackBook: Adds a contact list next to the To: field. You can choose which of these lists to use.
Option to autofill in the last person mailed to the To: field. Option to disable Blizzard’s name auto-completion popup. You can download these on WowCurse. As is said before if you guys like this guide and make reqests i will make a separate detailed guide how to use auctioneer and how to rule the market and auction house.
Auctioning items depends on couple of things: Demand — How bad players want or need your item. Rarity of the item — Items that are more rare will typically sell for. Its very important to look over the auction house by using the scan button on your auctioneer mod. Level of the item — Higher level items sell for more money.
Auction house availability — If there are a lot of the items in the auctionhouse, it may drive the price. If the auction house is full with those items at the moment you want to sell them, take into consideration how their price varies and sell them another time.
Trade items — If the item requires rare or expensive components, the item will typically be sold for more money. Level of the person who will be using the item for example twink items are sold for very high prices.
Some usefull tips Always have some alts placed near the auction house. This will allow you to buy and sell while your character is far away from a capital city. You can use an alt to store the gold on him, this will help you keep the money if you are the type who wastes it all a. An alt can be used as a warehouse for your materials and items you want to keep and you dont have enough room for in your bank. Dont buy mats from the ah to level up your profession, grind for them and sell the surplus.
Theres a one more nice trick that i use when i need fast money. Theres a one place in Sholazar Basin where you can find lot of of frozentribe warriors. Now the thing is that they are easy to kill and there are lot of them when i say a lot i really mean it and they drop like 1 gold, but every one of them drops either runic mana potion or runic healing potion or even. So in 10 mins of farming you can get like 60 runic mana potion and 60 runic healing potion.
Mana potion sells in ah 1k per stack, and healing potion sells around gold stack. Another nice way to make easy money. You should always pay attention to global channel. Most of people use this channel for selling items. And there are loooooot of dumb people selling awesome items for low price. For example there was guy today selling 3x cardinal ruby’s for gold :.
So you should really pay attention to this and you need to be fast when you see nice offer. With my main charr i got to the point where i dont need any gear that you can buy with emblem of triumph or emblem of frost. So now when i get around 50 eots i turn them in for dreadstone or amretine. Imo best gem to get with eots are these 2, because cardinal ruby cost 20 emblems of heroism and you can get gold for it, and dreadstone and amretine costs 10 eohs and you can get like 1. With emblems of frost i get primordial saronite which cost 23 eofs and can be sold in ah for 18k gold.
Also you can get gems with honor. You can get gems in Stormwind or Ogrimmar for horde where you change honor for pvp gear. If you like running the rdf the great thing to do is to need on all the boe blue items that mobs in dangeons.
Most of people dont really pay attention on these items, but they can be sold for a nice price in ah.
Jewelcrafting Gold Guide — Patch 3.3.5 — 4,381g for 2hrs — World of Warcraft!
Warmane Gold guide!
Ads by Fandom. I can share you some of my personal favorite ways to make money, but this may not work on every server. Lower population servers generally have lower prices in the AH as there is less demand, but rare items or recipes can really make a profit as they are harder to come by. Privacy Policy. For example, on most servers Tin Ore has a significantly higher prospect value than the ore itself, and players can make a tidy profit by prospecting tin from the AH. You must keep record of wxy much you spent to obtain these materialsor else you may price the finished product inaccurately, either too low that you sell it at a loss, or too high that you can’t sell it all.
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