Before hydraulic fracturing took hold, dry frac provided abundant CO2 demand. McGinnis has long defied expectations. The cost of recovering CO2 is a function of the raw gas composition. Archived from the original on 5 December Even before the buyout, McGinnis felt sidelined from decision-making.
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Promising but sometimes controversial, alternative fuels offer a path away from their fossil-based counterparts.
Ethanol can be made from any crop or plant that contains a large amount of sugar or components that can be converted into sugar, such as starch or cellulose. Sugar beets and sugar cane can be have their sugars extracted and processed. Crops such as corn, wheat and barley contain starch that can be easily converted to sugar, then made into ethanol. Most of the US production of ethanol is from starch, and almost all of the starch-based ethanol is made from corn grown in Midwest states. Trees and grasses have much of their sugars locked up in a fibrous material called cellulose, which can be broken down into sugars and made into ethanol.
Making fuel out of thin air
The United States consumes nearly one-quarter of the world’s petroleum production, yet contains a small fraction of its reserves. As other countries’ economies grow, the appetite for this finite energy source increases, placing greater pressure on the frmo itself and the environment at large. With inflation and higher energy costs consuming an ever-larger portion of our budget, the need for additional energy sources grows.
We must develop a multitude of alternatives to address our future energy needs. One such alternative is ethanol, which is domestically generated ptoducers sustainable. However, there are many myths surrounding ethanol, and I’ve come across a lot of them in magazinf work at Argonne National Laboratory. Myth No. Argonne National Laboratory research has shown that corn ethanol delivers a positive energy balance of 8.
The energy balance from second-generation biofuels making money from co2 ethanol producers magazine cellulosic sources is up to six times better, according to a fo2 published in Biomass and Bioenergy Prooducers. First, corn production efficiency has increased dramatically: Producers now grow bushels makinf acre today versus the 95 grown mxgazineand corn yield continues to increase. Second, ethanol production has become more energy-efficient.
Today, more than 90 percent of corn used in ethanol production goes through a dry milling process that uses far less energy than the wet milling process used. The combination of more corn per acre, coupled with a reduction of energy input to process ethanol, has proudcers in a favorable energy output. The gallons of ethanol yielded per bushel of corn has also increased by about 50 percent. Only 1 percent of all corn grown in this country is eaten by humans.
The rest is No. Specifically, a bushel of corn used for ethanol produces 1. The starch can be converted to sweeteners or used to produce 2. DDGS displaces whole corn and some soybeans traditionally used in animal feed. Additionally, the food-versus-fuel debate has spurred significant research and development of second-generation biofuels like cellulosic ethanol that do magazibe use food crops. Cellulosic ethanol is made from the «woody» structural material in plants that is unusable by humans.
Unlike food crops, ethanol crops and cellulosic ethanol crops can grow in any soil that will sustain grass. Researchers, including Argonne, are investigating using marginal land to prooducers ethanol crops. Studies from the U. Department of Energy suggest the United States has enough non-edible biomass to produce approximately 30 percent of our total transportation fuel requirements by That could go a long way toward easing our reliance on imported petroleum.
Taken together, making money from co2 ethanol producers magazine increase in crop yield and the use of marginal lands can enable makinb to produce food and fuels. A EPA study analyzing sources of air pollution confirmed that gasoline vehicles and non-road equipment are the largest contributors to vehicular gaseous hazardous air pollutants.
However, another study showed ethanol reduces tailpipe carbon monoxide as much as 30 percent and tailpipe particulate matter emissions by 50 percent.
And blending ethanol with gasoline dramatically reduces carbon monoxide tailpipe emissions and tailpipe emissions of volatile organic compounds that form ozone. Finally, magazinf life cycle analysis ethajol ethanol found «at present and in the near future, using corn ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emission by more than 20 percent, relative to those of petroleum gasoline. Some purpose-grown woody crops for next-generation fuels actually increase soil carbon enough to yield over a percent reduction in GHG emissions.
The amount of makibg used to nagazine ethanol has declined dramatically. Today, producing one gallon of ethanol requires about 3. That’s a little more than it takes to process a gallon of gasoline. Much of the criticism about ethanol’s water requirements stem from the need to irrigate feedstock crops in drier climates. But most ethanol is produced from rain-fed crops grown in the Midwest. In addition, ethanol is not carcinogenic and doesn’t poison groundwater or the ocean.
Ethanol rapidly biodegrades. Concerns over ethanol spills are muted by ethanol’s low toxicity. In fact, you’ll find ethanol in beer, bourbon and other happy-hour beverages you’ve probably consumed. OK, this one’s true. If you completely burn a gallon of gasoline and a gallon of E85, you’ll froom 25 percent less energy from the E Flex-fuel cars that run on gasoline and ethanol see 25 percent less mileage with ethanol.
However, a gallon of ethanol costs approximately 17 percent less than that of a gallon of gasoline. In some, but not all, regions, the fuel-economy deficit is recovered by cheaper fuel costs. As the market grows and matures, production optimization would further drive down ethanol costs. Last year, for example, Delphi cut the fuel economy penalty by one-third — while simultaneously increasing power.
Downsizing the engine, combined with cheaper E85, would result in cost savings to the consumer, potentially making E85 more favorable than gasoline.
On the plus side, ethanol has a higher octane rating than gasoline so it can improve performance. On a final note, it’s important to take a step back and really look at our nation’s energy position. Seventy percent of that petroleum is used for transportation. To meet that demand, we import 65 percent of what we consume. Yet, there are a number of hidden costs associated with the use of petroleum.
One can imagine what the actual cost is today by factoring in such indirect costs. We produce aboutbarrels of ethanol per day in the United States. That surpasses the volume of petroleum we import from Nigeria and is within striking distance of the amount that we import from Venezuela or Saudi Arabia. Ethanol is making a real contribution to our energy needs and reducing our dependence on imported petroleum. Editor’s note: Researchers at the U. In writing this post, Jehlik was not paid by, nor did he benefit from, the ethanol industry or its lobby.
His research is energy-neutral and his fo2 remains the same regardless of his findings. Here mnoey counterpoints to five prevalent myths about ethanol.
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MefCO2 — Methanol fuel from CO2
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Using a variable geometry or twin scroll turbochargerthe compression ratio can be optimized for the jaking, making fuel economy almost constant for any blend. Because absorbed water dilutes the fuel value of the ethanol and may cause phase separation of ethanol-gasoline blends which causes engine stall producefs, containers of ethanol fuels must be kept tightly sealed. Budny; P. Currently, research on improving ethanol yields from each unit of corn is underway using biotechnology. Bourne, Jr.
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