Adfly is a company, in which they pay you for using their links. Will it result in better mods? Thats some beginner shit where you don’t know the correct controls for navigating the map and by mistake adds a door. Who is dictate whats good and whats bad. I’ve never made money off my mods, but if this option existed, hmm, tempting
The Sims 4 Guides
The thread is from Novemberbut was brought to my attention today. Reason why CC creators tumblrs were being removed because of it or people who made conversion of CAS items from cas to be basegame for others to download or just the people stealing meshs and from Second Life where creators actually DO have the right to make money off of. Same for the ones shoving their content behind adfly with no other option to download though adskipper and what not are your friend. Newsea being one example. Making a whopping 12 grand a month! Not to mention those mods tend to help get games popular. As well as creators textures of other CC creators work and putting adfly on it.
The Sims 3 Guides
Our number one goal at DollarSprout is to help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with companies that share that same vision. Some of the links in this post may be from our partners. I went to school with a girl who used to hand dye scarves and bags. Now, years later, she makes good money on the side selling her creations on Etsy. Whether they make a few hundred dollars a month or a few thousand, people can use these side hustles to pay down debt, boost emergency funds, save for travel, or invest for the future. The best thing about hobbies that make money online is choosing when and where you complete the work.
The Sims 4 Guides
The thread is from Novemberbut was brought to my attention today. Reason why CC creators tumblrs were being removed because of it or people who made conversion of CAS items from cas to be basegame for others to download or just the people stealing meshs and from Second Life where creators actually DO have the right to make money off of.
Same for the ones shoving their content behind adfly with no other option to download though adskipper and what not are your friend. Newsea being one example. Making a whopping 12 grand a month! Not to mention those mods tend to help get games popular. As well as creators textures of other CC creators work and putting adfly on it. You also grant all other users who can access and use your UGC on an EA Service the right to use, copy, modify, display, perform, create derivative works from, and otherwise communicate and distribute your UGC on or through the relevant EA Service without further notice, attribution or compensation to you.
They deserve every penny people thrown their way at. But ONLY for a couple weeks early subscribers. And many are doing just. They, or their supporters, get all nasty and rude if you dare tell them. Then they have the nerve to threaten anyone if they share, re-upload, etc, But yet THEY are the ones illegally keeping CC behind money-making links.
Need money? Get a REAL job like everyone else! Sims is supposed to be a fun hobby, not your financial support. I am very much thankful, and appreciative of them! To me, it’s in the same category as pirating games. Illegal is illegal. Don’t like it? Don’t share your CC. Oh right, claiming it’s the only way you can make money, because you refuse to get out of the house, and actually WORK — like the rest of the world has to…SMH.
Still not illegal. YOU pay nothing to download. Problem solved. Many have price tags for their CC like a Store! Whether or not the creation of CC violates copyright law is something that could probably only be determined on a case by case basis.
They would lose. This is more as a warning on what could happen for people who do this so they make decisions with their eyes wide open. I really think this case would be pretty clear cut.
I gotta bounce! These cc are advertised as working with The Sims programs and only the Sims programs, they are using their IP. Though yeah, we are really going into jargony terriotery. Illegal is such a huge word. It is against their terms of service, the breaking of which they can respond to by taking legal action. Well, yes, kind of. It is illegal, they are using someone elses IP and making money off it.
If EA did come down on this sites they would win easily and the penalties would financially ruin. Just saying, I agreed until you said to get out of the house and work… You know most cc creators actually have jobs. There ARE ways to make money off Mods, etc, and maybe they should go to. But Sims games are not one of. Shows what kind of person YOU are. Dreama did not personally attack you! I see NO personal attack anywhere in any of these comments towards you.
And I am tired of seeing your nasty snarky comments on my posts — from old comments I made weeks ago! You are being blocked now, as I said on other post, so don’t bother commenting to me ever. I am not wasting anymore of my time trying to defend myself from someone that has nothing better to do with their time….
The ridiculous one is YOU, making personal harassing comments towards me. Take your sock-puppet account. So you think that the people who work to give us a better game experience should get a REAL job? Should they get a real job too?
Or is that different? What about websites with ads? Do you oppose that as well? If cc creators make a living off their work, good on. They actually create. I think your anger is misdirected. YouTubers who spend every day complaining about views and money should get a real job. Actually, YouTube can kind of be considered a legitimate career these days.
It could practically be looked at as an advertising agency. Making money off Youtube is different. Fan cc content is not the same. Copyright laws exist for a reason though, it to help protect creators from other people stealing from them and losing money to due others profiting off of their work.
Why not have them use make money creating mods creations that they made as part of their portfolio? That is what artist do to show case their skills and talent when trying to look for a job. It can help them out in the long run without breaking laws. If people are willing to save up money, have the skills and knowledge with coding, etc….
Many people had done so. They worked on skills on their free time, got a job and saved up until they were able to start a business of their. They have even might be able to get loans. I think not! Have you ever used blender? Why should creators not expect anything for their work? They just said not to sell items nothing about adfly and patreon is ok. Things like Patreon are, of course, okay which SimplySimazing agrees on as well ; that is so long as they make their CC available for free to everyone eventually within a few weeks of early access for Patreons.
But that is for them to worry about, though, not us. Why should simmers SimplySimazing incuded have a problem with creators making money off The Sims4? But some think they are exempt, and can do as they. Now how is that ok? There are games you can make stuff for, so why not do. But whatever, I am not the only one that knows right from wrong, and am done with this….
Or defending a large and sucky a company as EA. You are right. STOP it! That there shows you are making it personal, harassing me, and it needs to STOP! But you keep repeating it. I had to deal with a really bad flu, and trying to get over bronchitis. It was not made for you to make personal insults or attacks towards other people using this site. I only gave my opinion on the article this site posted, unlike you, that harassed me for my opinion on it.
I am not trying or wanting to hurt anyone financially. Nobody is discrediting the hard work of CC creators. If you want to show your appreciation to a creator that you like, for the time and effort they put into their creations, by all means donate to them, or become a Patreon. Nobody in this comment section is opposing. I should have known better to even comment anything, since I knew I was likely to get harassed for just stating the facts.
It was about the Patreon CC locked content not early release. They were selling it piece by piece. But I am not going to keep arguing with others here, or their possible sock-puppet accounts. Disagreeing with you does not constitute harassment and you need to check your entitlement and get over it. Why should people who spend maybe a few months on option aspects in the game get paid when EA develops the games for many many many years with very hard work?
Turn Your Hobby into a Money-Making Side Hustle
But for Skyrim it should have been a donation model to incentivise the creation of work the moders want, not to encourage people to block off their existing content and money grubbers to flood a great market with shitty flappy bird quality cosmetic pieces. Should I just submit it to crexting workshop? Most income comes from roshpit. Heck i played lot of older ones. YouTubers who spend every day complaining about views and money should get a real job. The level of discourse has been childish, make money creating mods it’s good to see posts like this able to get monsy word in edgewise, even if they still get an unfair amount of downvotes from the people who think Momey is trying to stifle criticism. Obvious make money creating mods «Who the hell am I to judge what constitutes high quality? Or is this desire for payment or donations coming from valve’s ability to make payment a reality?
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